About Tides

tides at 10 is based in Vancouver, British Columbia in the Pacific Northwest.

My name is Phoebe and I’m an actor, and photographer with over 10 years of experience. I am drawn to faces, happenstance and the human connection.

Like the ever-changing tides, I have had the joy of going through evolutions in my journey as a photographer — chasing down what inspires me and what helps connect me to people, chasing resonance.

tides at 10 came from the idea of finding infinite freedom in creative expression and exploration; a kind of freedom that has taken me years to finally let myself really, truly, enjoy within this medium, especially in trying to balance the demands of work with my own artistic impulses. In a way, recommitment to being completely authentic in self expression.

Every tide cycle, my dog and I visit the low tide around 10am — the tide goes out about a kilometre and we run endlessly. Sometimes I feel an impulse to close my eyes and spin in circles, too far from anybody or anything to care how I move, or where. For a fleeting moment, until the tide comes back in, it feels like there’s nothing out there but infinite open space. 

The spaces behind and in front of my camera emulate, for me, exactly that; a temporary space that enables us, frees us. A wide-eyed observation of the world without judgement. A place of being without expectation, where we can tell our stories, play like children, and make a little magic — before the tide comes in again.